Monday, June 9, 2008

Finally a BLOGGER!!!!

I did it we are finally in the blogger's world with you all. I know it's taken us a while to join the blogging world but we made it. Ive been told this is pretty easy to do and can get addicting. Maybe I will be better at keeping this up to date rather then our myspace one.

As you see we are the Corona Family...... and the girls rule in this house!! :) My poor hubby doesn't have a chance. LOL Everything is great and life couldn't be any better at this time. Okay so it can be a little better from time to time but for now it's good.

Well it's late & this is my first time so I am going to keep it simple for today. I need to get some recent photo's on line and get them in. So I am calling it a night and get back soon.

YEAH....we are finally here!!! :)
Nighty Night

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah!!! peer pressure still works ;) hehe cant wait to start seeing pics & lots of fun updates :)