Tuesday, June 24, 2008

work is boring..........

Well I'm at work and I am having such a grand time too. I miss my girls each day (my hubby too) and can't wait to see them when I get home. Things are kinda slow right now so time moves very very slow while I am here. Nothing seems to make it go any faster.

I can't wait till this weekend we (Sergio, my sister, Dale & I) will be heading to Paso Robles for the weekend. :) It's a late anniversary outing. We get to do some well deserved wine tasting which I'm very excited for. So I will make sure to take my camera & get some nice photo's this weekend.

Well i better get back to work before I hear something.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Back to work!!! :(

Well the week is almost over & I have been back to work for 3 days now. But it seems like forever already. Everything is the same nothing different at all, work is the same, the people & attitudes are as well. I guess you hope for a little difference but there is none. I thought it would be harder to go back this time around but it's actually been pretty easy. Don't get me wrong I do totally miss my girls a lot and would love to be with them...but we need the mula so back to work I go.

Today was Isabella's last day of school....she is no longer a kindergartner. She was very excited for school to be over. Livi has been out for a week now but will be going back to Preschool instead of Kinder she just isn't quite ready yet...1 more year & she will be.

Well it's getting late & I have work in the morning....so off to slumber we go.

Monday, June 9, 2008

The girls 1st dance recital

Day two & still going strong....okay just getting the hang of it. But so far not so bad.

Yesterday was the girls first dance recital ever.....and they did GREAT!!! We were so proud at how well they did. No shyness at all on stage they went right with the music and danced away. It was awesome to see. It's crazy to think I have two little ones able to be in dance but it's a great feeling at the same time.

We Bella's dance was the Circus Ponies...(she wore all white & silver) Nik thought she looked more like a playboy bunny then a pony. Little Livi was a Circus Bear....(it was black & gold) she was too cute!!!

And OMG all the beautiful flowers they got, they were very excited for those. I have always told them that grown-ups get flowers but sometimes kids do. So when they each got 3 bouquets plus a dozen ROSES they were ecstatic!!! Especially Livi!!!
Since it's our 7 year anniversary today I told Sergio he was off the hook in getting me flowers we have plenty of vases around the house now. :)

Well that's about it....I am spending my last day home with the girls today & then heading to the BIG CHEESE...yup Chucky E cause tomorrow I am back to work. I am so not looking forward to it at all!! :(

Finally a BLOGGER!!!!

I did it we are finally in the blogger's world with you all. I know it's taken us a while to join the blogging world but we made it. Ive been told this is pretty easy to do and can get addicting. Maybe I will be better at keeping this up to date rather then our myspace one.

As you see we are the Corona Family...... and the girls rule in this house!! :) My poor hubby doesn't have a chance. LOL Everything is great and life couldn't be any better at this time. Okay so it can be a little better from time to time but for now it's good.

Well it's late & this is my first time so I am going to keep it simple for today. I need to get some recent photo's on line and get them in. So I am calling it a night and get back soon.

YEAH....we are finally here!!! :)
Nighty Night